

 Finally getting back into reading comics seriously. Spiderman, Avengers, Fantastic Four, Thor and the X-Men. I never truly fell out of love with you, and I can always return to your older stories.

Mort, by Terry Pratchett

How do you humanize Death? Pratchett himself puts it this way: Death, grinning skull head who isn't really grinning so much as locked in a fixed expression, is an anthropomorphic personification. Who knows how we would see him if we weren't human? But something interesting happens in the book, leaving aside this fact: Death himself wants to become human. Humanity to him is revealed to be a mess of various activities which make no sense to a creature of logic (What would be the point of being killed without dying?) But what prompts him to make this jump in the first place is boredom, or even the idea that he's not doing everything he can, under the circumstances. Breaking free of tedium, even as you are not built for anything else.